Tuesday, April 03, 2007

oh my god it's happening

Ummm so my husband gives his two-week notice tomorrow. And in two weeks takes off for the midwest visit-the-kids tour, and then hotfoots it to Bozeman. To catch up with me on May 1 out there. To find a place to live. To start his training at his new job. As a therapist. Back in his authentic truth, in his sacrum.

We slept, in spite of the excitement and nausea and tsunami carrying us... and he woke up a changed man. Vital, vibrant, in his sacrum, alive, resonating to the mysterious bigness of this whole process. No longer trapped in the small toxic insane vortex of being a BBFB slave. Woo hoo!

The tender spot, the notion of living apart, we are studiously avoiding. If he's alive like that, and in his strength, it's all good. We will find our way.


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