Friday, March 23, 2007

here and gone

how can a week go by so fast? Took the red-eye home from Salt Lake Sunday night, which is a uniquely inhumane experience - and somehow the rest of the week evaporated. Especially yesterday, dreaded day of "mediation hearing" with the windstorm insurers. Except, they sent their rep with no intention of "mediating" on anything. He could have just sent a letter. He came with permission to write a paltry check for repairs that can't even be done. Place his right hand on the engineer's report that said "oh no, none of this is related to a hurricane" and said - that's it! I can't refute an engineer's report!

Trouble is, what I discovered too late is that their engineering firm has already been convicted in other states of colluding with the insurer in generating false reports on damaged property.

So, seeing as I missed my opportunity to point out this particular information, I did the next best thing: called my client who is the insurance reporter for the local paper. Sent him the links that I found on this company's reputation. Set loose the hounds, perhaps they can still pick up a scent.

I need a new roof. As did 50 other homeowners in my tiny community, thanks to Hurricane Wilma. I need justice to prevail, and the windstorm company to ante up.

If the Divine Wisdom wants me in Bozeman, commuting to other points of light in the US, I need this roof thing resolved so the house can sell.

And now back to the other dozen crises awaiting some attention.


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