Monday, March 26, 2007

walking away

I had a night of garbled airport dreams, way out of pattern for my transitioning metaphor airport dreams. They had nothing to do with Florida. I didn't even make the second flight, and I consciously knew I was setting out to miss it.

As the day progressed, I had the distinct feeling of "breaking free of an old shell or pattern... and walking away." No looking back. Done. Rubbish behind. What I'm done with, fractured behind me. Walking, striding boldly forward.

Then I went and picked up our tax returns - personal and business. Now THERE'S something to walk away from - the slump that splatted against the wall in 2006.

What else is there to do but walk away from how it's been? And walk into what I need to do now?

Walking away. It feels so clean, so definitive. I'm done, and I don't even know with what.


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