Monday, November 28, 2005


What a sweet, sweet day of best friends and excellent food, with that deep trickle of sorrow over the loss of my dad. How odd to feel it more this year than last. Well. Somehow this fall we are feeling more of everything (thank you Mercury retrograde, etc).

Where have these days gone, in what haze of sadness and frustration. Where is the old focus-warp-speed energy that got 100-letter mailings out in a single bound of an evening?

I found pictures from a year ago, when I arranged my "nook" downstairs, since I was evicted from my upstairs treehouse office. Seems like a lost year, and just now I'm waking up a wee bit cranky over needing my own production space.

Hmmm. Lisa keeps saying I need to go have "fun." Trouble is, there's no fun in me, none that I can find.


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