Invasion of the Trailer Trash
What happens when low-class renters somehow manage to move into an upper-middle-class, quiet, polite, "We do our wild partying behind CLOSED doors" neighborhood?
Well, it involves getting much friendlier to the police department than I ever imagined, as well as our Homeowners Association Board President.
So MAYBE there will be no more wild drinking, singing and swearing in the driveway (that closed door rule).
And MAYBE they will stop parking their hi-rise testosterone-charged pick-ups on the lawn (those other rules).
And MAYBE the scruffy kids will find somebody else's dirt to eat (you know it always tastes better from somebody else's lawn).
Where's the covenant enforcement nazis when you need them?
Makes the move to Montana tingle deliciously. Until I look up the real estate ads out there, and realize that all those property pictures look like every disaster-home-makeover show I've seen in the past 5 years. Is that what happens to your decorating taste when you move out there?
Quick, somebody find me a quiet place to hide.
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