Tuesday, September 12, 2006

cue the elephant

Betcha felt the earth shake again today. not just from the Gulf coast, either.

Betcha felt it rocking with the force of tectonic plates FINALLY moving past their crunching logjam of the past 3 years.

Betcha felt my husband land a job. A real job with benefits and lots of room for promotion. Right here in Florida.

How is it that history repeats itself like this. In 1994, in the space of one earth-shaking day like this, my then=husband finally gets a real job after three years of unemployment (and daily misery, complete with moaning suicide wishes), I LOSE my job, and my daughter's school teachers go on strike. Leaving me totally upside down - one minute the only bread-winner in the house, next minute the full-time mom while dad actually went to work.


TODAY - my husband lands a job. I send in my application to take my first graduate-school class. I start the interview process for a marketing agency to grow my business. And the elephant in the middle of the room, who's been parking her fat smelly ass right on my spine, got up and moved.

and I could breath. A little jerky, rusty after all this time.... but it's breath. and it's mine. And I have some space, space to get creative and grow my business again.

Oh. My. God.

Three years, down to scraping the absolute rocky bottom with that f-ing elephant on my back.... and it's finally GONE.

Just in the knick of time.



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