The Power of Naming
We are finding some coherence after all these big shifts.
After a disastrous two days of Mercury-retrograde travel, my husband is finally in MT with his 15-yr-old, ready to start their road bike trip. In the thick of that northwest heat wave. And if anybody cares, be forewarned that in the face of flight delays, United Airlines will abandon you at first, last and every opportunity.
Anyway. So I'm home with my daughter and we are having some good mischief time. We shopped for her new bureau, which she came home and built with just a little extra help. Very nice. All helping her land. We went out to dinner and had a very good therapy session. Finally, finally, she finds the words to name the end and completion of her dogged pursuit of Mr. NYC (the psycho). And we were able to find some language for her grounding and focus on being here this coming year.
This is good. We can do this. She's stepping up. She is even able to name that dance between taking more responsibility for things and then feeling the rewards that follow. It's wonderful.
And I was able to step up and name my completion with a woman's group that I've been involved with. When our original group expanded and re-formed, the second round just never worked for me. Small energy projecting smallness even as it claimed it's desire for bigness and propserity. Ok. It all boils down to two things: run, don't walk from a leader who is a former film/tv producer AND an Aries (unless, of course, you WANT her to take over producing your life), and if the horse is dead, get off the horse. It's ok to move on and dance with all the prosperity and abundance in your real-world life in your own way. Big energy doesn't need purple magic fairy dust sparkles sprinkled on it to work.
I like dealing with big energy straight on, honestly and authentically.
I will come out of this summer slump with my business blazing. In a way that is real and authentic for me.
I will attract the transformative information to me, and persist from my own grounded midline, not distracted by the flavor-of-the-month prosperity-coaching-cross-these-t's-and-dot-these-i's-to-get-rich gimmicks.
I already know I can play the true deep big energy of that change. I can dance that dance. I can fire, then aim :-)
We will find the perfect apartment in Bozeman when I go out there to meet my husband next week. We will find our way with him staying out there to grow his business.
We will continue to create our life in the most perfect way for us, resonating and celebrating in that very big dance of life.