If we can stay open to the evolving moment, it brings unpredicatble surprises with it. I am home in Florida while my husband is visiting his daughters in upper Michigan. His oldest daughter, my best friend, my split egg, is also visiting. For the first time, it feels like I should be there. Time has passed and we have a step-rhythm now, I am part of the mix. Feeling that so strongly leads to the very painful moment of feeling how it has been up til now. How, when he would travel north, I would cease to exist. I became the pink elephant in the middle of the room, the great verboten, the presumed consort of Satan who had upended their idyllic lives..Worse than being Satan is being marginalized. Maybe we are moving past that phase now.
Still, the pain rises within, bringing its truths with it. This is what happens when you find a place of deep truth and strength within you - you become the bulls-eye - and those most frightened by their own truths (or failure to live by them) hurl the worst they've got right at you. In nature, there is an eternal rhythm that rises in the dance between disparate energies, and that rhythm works with the edges of the energies colliding to create something new. At those "boundary surfaces" are new creations, new possibilities, new energies. As I write this, I think, can someone who utterly lacks boundaries, and is tidal-waving you with judgement, feel any new creation? Feel the edges of meeting my boundaries? Feel the bounce-back? Or just feel the terror of not being mirrored to their own familiar pathology?
What else can I do but hold my space? And heed the call of compassion - for myself deep within, for those attacking. And work through the grief of having been portrayed so evilly when really, what I was doing was holding a space for another to choose to reclaim their authentic life.
Next time, maybe, it will be time to go north and claim my rightful place - dancing in this flow of family creation.